Creative Career Solutions for Parents

EP28: Goal Setting: Excruciating or Exhilarating

Gina Visram
It's finally here... an episode all about goal setting. Do you love it, do you hate it, do you hide away in a corner and hope it never crosses your path? Do you talk yourself out of it at any given opportunity? Or do you see it as a fun challenge? Or even an essential part of your every day life? In this episode, the first in a mini series on goal setting, I share a bit more about why you may try to avoid it, why you may embrace it and what my personal take is on the subject. I also go into detail about one goal setting methodology... SMART goal setting, and how you can use it. Finally, just as the episode comes to an end, my toddler Naila pipes up with her thoughts (Lol - well, gurgles and some key points!). Check it out, join the chat in the Limitless Coaching Facebook group... get even more intimate with goal setting and explore the (I predict) positive differences it makes for you. If you like this episode or any others, remember to leave a review on iTunes or wherever you listen.