Creative Career Solutions for Parents

EP44: Fun with finances

Gina Visram
So here's the thing. In some ways, my husband has always been amazing with finances. In some ways, I have generally made good financial choices. For both of us... we can definitely have done better... not because we have been reckless per say but because there have been times of being careless (lol - that's probably more true for me than for him). I guess, we can always do better... and in this episode of the Creative Career Solutions for Parents podcast I share a bit about why it's worth improving our financial situation, some active steps we are taking and also some great resources that have helped us feel more confident about the debt-free direction we are heading in. We're not there yet but with the tools we're using and determination we have - we know we'll get there... and... are feeling good about the choices to do some positive work in this area. If you're on a journey with improving your finances or would like to be - check out this episode. More control in this area often means greater flexibility when it comes to our career and lifestyle goals - which as working parents, would be a great thing.Enjoy the episode - please review on iTunes and share with your networks if you like what you hear