Creative Career Solutions for Parents
Creative Career Solutions for Parents
EP50: How is your post-baby career different to what you expected?
In this episode, it's time to reflect on the good the bad and the ugly of working parent life. Gina Visram of Limitless Coaching asks "(How) is your post-baby career different to what you expected? What makes it work? What makes it frustrating? What is worth celebrating and what must... must change? Does thinking about your post-baby career make you feel proud, exhausted or a combination thereof?
Do listen and reflect on what's working for you, remember you can make a change if you want to and remember - as we marvel on the fact that this podcast is 50 episodes in (whoop whoop!) - there will be lots more information and inspiration for working parents to come. Stay tuned (and keep sharing and reviewing this podcast so fellow working parents can find it and join the conversation)